Beating Heroics: The Plague Quarter

Priest, Durid, Warrior, or Mage, they’ve all succeeded. The
Plague Quarter, home to denizens Noth, Heigan, and Loatheb, have met their
demise at the hands of a variety of decks and to an assortment of playstyles. If
you’d like to see professionally constructed decks head on over to Hearthpwn. But what if, like me,
you lack the epics and legendaries (and even some of the rares) to make some of
the decks you see work, how do you fare? With some luck, and a decent amount of
skill you can actually do pretty well.
Since the release of the Plague Quarter on Tuesday, there
have been several tough blokes out there who managed to clear the bosses on
heroic difficultly on mere basic cards—I am not one of them. I managed, of my
own creation, several decks with minor adjustments in between, a pretty average
completion time of slightly less than two hours on all the heroic bosses. If you’re
interested to see how I did it stick around for the discourse.
Noth was perhaps the toughest to deal with of the three.
You don’t want to be dragging this game out because it’s almost impossible to
recover from Plague. There’s probably only one win condition in my deck and
that’s to pull of the incredibly cheesy Divine Spirit-Inner Fire combo and smack
him with double digits each swing. “Hit it very hard” as the Raid Leader would
say, and kill him before he has the chance to spread the Plague on turn 6.
Heigan the Unclean
The strategy for cleansing the Unclean is pretty
straightforward. Heigan is trigger happy on his hero ability even when there’s
nothing to hit—a real efficient bugger he is. That said clearing the board is
not his forte. Play a Lightwell or a Stoneskin Gargoyle to soak up the 3 damage
each turn before playing the glutton for punishment, the Gurubashi Berserker.
Pad the board with tanky minions and be generous with the heals and you’ll send
Heigan to an early shower.
(Click on images to enlarge)
Loatheb, Loatheb, Loatheb, where do I start. At 99
health you’d think he’ll be one tough bastard to take down, but he isn’t—in fact,
I’d argue that he’s the easiest boss in Naxxaramas thus far. The fat mushroom
does himself a grave disservice by playing his 5 damage removal which spawns
Spores. Keep enough minions on the board and soon you’ll be running riot,
dealing upward of 20-50 damage each turn.
Well there’s nothing much to add beyond that. If you
have any questions or would like to share your methods for dismantling the bosses
of the Plague Quarter leave me a comment down in the comment box below!
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