The problem with Kinect’s $150 price tag

It was revealed yesterday that the Kinect for Xbox One will retail as a standalone piece for US$150 on the 7th of October, 2014 . At that price, Kinect 2.0 shares a similar price point as its predecessor, Kinect for Xbox 360, when it launched in November 2010. However, while I can appreciate how Microsoft has magnanimously avoided any upward revisions on pricing for the controversial piece of hardware despite its hardware improvements, $150 feels like a huge misstep; largely because the Kinect for Xbox One is what it is— a controversial piece of hardware. Remember this? The reason why Microsoft managed to sell an excess of 24 million Kinect units for the Xbox 360 was due to some top-notch marketing and advertising work. It was touted as a refreshingly innovative, almost revolutionary device that was to lend a spatial dimension to your gaming fantasies and I bought it, well let’s face it, a whole lot of us did. But when reality failed to meet expectations, the hype di...