Game Review: Brothers, A Tale of Two Sons

Review: Brothers, A Tale of Two Sons Brothers launched in August 7, 2013, but I only really got around to playing it recently; no thanks to my enormous Steam backlog. However, my decision to dust off the game from its proverbial shelf lies not in serendipity – even though it very well might be – but because I was regretfully intrigued. At E3 2017, during EA’s press conference, I witnessed the unveiling of a refreshing new IP titled ‘ A Way Out ’, a game which was hyped as being from the creators of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. Now, I hadn’t played Brothers then, but had I already, I would have been objectively less intrigued by the concept and subjectively more excited for what the story might be and how this can lead to a more immersive puzzle solving adventure. Because, having already played Brothers, I can say without a doubt that Josef Fares and his team can tell a wicked good story, and that they have the flair to take simple, mistakenly clumsy, cooperative mechanics and...