The Plague Quarter Cometh

Let the festering of wounds and the spread of unholy maladies begin. The Plague Quarter, the second installment to the Hearthstone expansion, Curse of Naxxramas, launches within the next few hours, and if you’re like me, a fervent, sillily desperate fan of the online card game, the wait couldn’t be any longer. So instead of twirling thumbs and shaking legs, allow me to indite you, the lovely reader, a presumptuous preview of Naxxramas’ second wing. Enter Noth the Plaguebringer, the sullen looking, pallid-skinned mage from Dalaran whose plushy white locks make Goldilocks’ hairdo look unruly—he is not one to be taken lightly. At normal difficulty his hero power is easily negated with cheap board clears, however at heroic level, the 5/5 skeletons have the potential to be more than bothersome. Back in the Arachnid Quarter Priests were by far the most popular class in heroic runs and it looks like the Noth encounters will follow a similar narrative. Play the beefy mi...